Once I lived in a season where I just couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. In a household of five, every family member around me was in crisis. Several were significant health crises. One survived a natural disaster.
I tried to remain positive and readily repeated Philippians 4:8-9 for months on end. But it got old, real fast.
Maybe you’ve been there.
When you can’t see the fruit of God’s miracles or even a brush of His loving hand. Your heart knows both still exist but your eyes can’t see that truth for all their searching.
God, what do you want from me?
Why all these challenges?
Exodus 20:20 offers a peek behind the curtain. “Do not be afraid: God has come to test you so that the fear of God will be with you and keep you from sinning.”
At this place in history, the Israelites roamed the desert near Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.
The Israelites didn’t hear God’s voice but did see the display of God’s power– and that terrified them. They were also a bit frustrated about roaming around in the desert. In short, they weren’t pleased with much about life or how God was responding to their plight. Yet they saw enough of Him to know they couldn’t give up on Him.
He was real.
They knew it!
So they were terrified of Him and of what may come next.
But Moses explained there was purpose in the power that pulled them into fright.
God was teaching them just who He was so that they would each build a faith and not give into sin.
Were they ever perfect? No.
But they were learning who God is.
During my personal period of crises, God built my faith too. I was a bit like the Isaelites, complaining about the circumstances. But God led me through my desert, and I believe He will lead you through yours.
I also believe that no matter how many deserts you traverse, you probably don’t want to see another one! Yes, each time God has built my faith. I am indeed closer to Him there than on the mountain tops. But it’s hard and terrible and awful and painful. And I don’t want to go there again.
But I have learned to kick fear around when it tries to seize my heart as calamity strikes. I do have enough history letting go and letting God, to know He will care for the mess and for me. And His solutions are so much better than anything I can craft.
Maybe like me, you don’t want to think of challenges as building the road to rock-solid faith. God, please author another way.
But we can trust in His promises.
He is the God who sees. (Genesis 16:13)
He will always be with us. (Deut 31:6-8)
He will limit the test (Job 1:12).
He will use it all to build faith. To keep us from sinning, so we might enjoy a closer relationship with HIm. (Exodus 20:20)
We don’t have to love His methods. But like me, you might grudgingly admit, they are effective. And they do get me where I ultimately want to be: closer to Him.
So the next time you’re in that hard and terrible and awful and painful place where you don’t want to be, ask Him for help. Remember His promises and ask Him to prove they are true. Above all, even though it’s painful and not particularly pretty, ask for growth. Because sometimes, that growth was what it was all about.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I don’t like hard, terrible, awful and painful places. I can’t see their purpose. I don’t want to see their purpose. But You can. Please help me not only get through the challenges but grow me as I learn to trust You so I can build a deeper relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.